
Popped into Claire de Rouen Books last week.  They were having a party to celebrate Artist John Stezaker's new publication Crossing OverThe book is a series of reframed-fragments from postcards collected by the artist. 

An intimate set of pictures that take your hand through time.  They are small views of folk passing by.  

Felt a bit like looking through windows and people watching and as I moved from one page to the next, I almost felt like I was spying on them. Surreal! 

Just like in John's other work.  It’s surreal in its tone and style but his use of appropriation and collage is neither gimmicky nor crude but beautiful visual storytelling that leaves me daydreaming, curious and content.  

His 2d works become multiple dimensions.  They make my mind twirl and my eyes sparkle, just as I feel when I look through a kaleidoscope.  The fragments and shapes transport me in to a frequency of beauty and reflection.

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